What we do

Educational and Occupational
Discover your God-given design with an online Career Direct assessment. It will help you maximize your God-given talents and abilities and steering your academic and occupational decisions in the direction that most fits your profile, focusing:
- Personality
- Interests
- Skills and
- Value

Crown Financial Ministries
Crown, a non-profitable organisation, helps people and businesses integrate Biblical principles into business practices, debt reduction and financial decision-making. For more than 35 years, Crown has offered advice based on timeless truths. Crown is a strong, international grassroots organisation with offices in the USA and overseas.

Foundations for Farming
Foundations for Farming is a new approach to micro farming. The purpose is to equip individuals with techniques that with limited land and water resources, individuals may provide food security for themselves and their families as well as a saleable cash product to generate income for self sustainability.

Character Counts
Character transformation teaches and enforces values, character building and ethical decision-making.
The program is built on seven pillars:
- Trustworthiness (Blue)
- Respect (Yellow)
- Responsibility (Green)
- Fairness (Orange)
- Caring (Red)
- Citizenship (Purple) and
- Integrity (White)
These values are taught to families, schools, universities, churches, farms, police, organzations, businesses and governments.

Entrepreneurship plays a major part in un-employment. It empowers people to start their own income-generating small business who's success provides a sustainable income for themselves, their households and employment opportunities within their community.
Our vision is to provide entrepreneurial skill training, assist in the start-up of small businesses and leverage the business knowledge of our rich network of experts.

iKnow MyDesign
Discovering & understanding your Design is the most empowering experience for personal growth and for finding your fit in the team or the dynamics of your family.
Discover your Design - Uncover your Function and Purpose - Enter and Explore your Destiny - Be Empowered
iKnowMyDesign is a company focused on making assessment and tools available to consultants, coaches and professionals. The main focus of the assessments and tools is to facilitate the process of personal transformation and of discovering each persons' unique design.
The dream of iKMD is that all people will KNOW and BE KNOWN.